Did you know you have the capacity to work miracles?
What's a miracle?
A miracle is a shift in consciousness, perspective.
You, my dear, are a medium for miracles.
Every time we go through a familiar situation and experience it differently, we are witnessing a miracle. For example, that person who always seemed to trigger you whenever they spoke says the same things - yet they are no longer agitating.
... Miraculous!
Miracle-working is only possible from a place of gratitude and Love,
when you are in the flow.
In order to work miracles, you need to step into and own your Power as a creative Being.
If you are living in victimhood and fear, you are not self-aware and less likely to notice the gifts and opportunities for expansion that come your way.
What happens when you step into your role as a miracle-worker?
Your perspective shifts from fear to Love. What this means is that you feel
joyous and at peace, even in the most tumultuous of times. You hardly notice negativity, because your peace is internally generated. It is easy for you to see the perfection and grace in everything – even the events that others criticize. You see the Truth. You see the opportunities everywhere.
In fact, you will notice that others gravitate to you because they are attracted to your pure, open energy. They are attracted to you Loving Essence. And you will know you are in great service to them just by being yourself. There is nothing “extra” you must do.
When you are living from your True Essence, you will know you are living in Love because of the way you feel and the way the world responds to you.
It is all a reflection of the Loving world you have inside of you, your own pure consciousness.