Becoming Love Meditation 
Do you feel bogged down with baggage? 

use this meditation to release the sh*t and reconnect with who you really are...
Hi Love,

My name is Kenda and I provide Love, Relationship & Life guidance.
You may be asking –
“what exactly does that mean?” and that, my friend, is a totally legitimate question!

I work my magic by helping people 
Live more though Loving more.

My work is not limited to those wanting more out of romantic relationships.
I help women to awaken to more of their Loving and Living potential in a beautiful journey of self-discovery. 
I assist my clients in gaining the self-confidence necessary to express themselves fully, discover their unique gifts, embrace their internal Power, and manifest miracles in their lives.

Yes, YOU are a medium for miracles.

Well I can tell you now – if this message is resonating – it is time for you to centre into your Truth and claim the Life that is patiently waiting…

So how can you get started?

I am pleased to announce that I am finally offering a guided meditation track to help you release the depression, anxiety, baggage and step into all that you really are.

Let’s begin…

How to step into your True Essence as a Powerful Being of Love.
To any Woman feeling disillusioned about Life and/or Love…

Counselling. Therapy. Meditation. Coaching. Self-help. Hobbies. Yoga. Exercise. Reading. Dieting. “Getting Out”. “Staying In”. Escaping. Distracting.
Chances are you’ve tried all of these therapeutic remedies, or at least one of them.
Maybe they helped for a bit, but none of these were the permanent solution you were so desperately seeking.
Statistics show that depression is more common among women than it is men. 
In fact, nearly twice as many women than men become disabled due to their dissatisfaction with life.
This isn’t surprising. As women, many of us are empaths and thus more prone to become incapacitated by emotional and spiritual pain when we are not feeling inspired and connected to our Essence as a Powerful Being of Love and Light.

And... it’s not our fault.

Society and popular culture have conditioned us to “play small.” 
You know what I'm talking about here. We shrink in the face of challenge and doubt our ability to succeed in Love, Business, Life.
We try to prove our worth to ourselves and others by doing "stuff." 
But, all of the external things we do are never enough...
Many of us still struggle with issues of low self-worth, fleeting confidence, speaking up for ourselves and going after what we really want.
When we are in this state, we are not living the Lives of Love that are destined for us.

Hence, we become disillusioned and frustrated with Life. This manifests in anger, jealousy, depression, anxiety, feeling ‘lost,’ the feelings from which we seek relief… but none of the familiar solutions seem to work for good.

How do we get back into alignment and claim our Power, once and for all?

Connecting with Your True Essence and Why This Is Fundamental To Your Wellbeing
You living in your True Essence when:
  • You know that you are gorgeous, intelligent and talented - the absolute picture of perfection.
  • You feel joyous and enthusiastic about life, yet peaceful.
  • You are no longer concerned with money, time, or failing relationships.
  • Inspiration is your fuel in everything that you do.
  • You feel 100% completely confident dealing with whatever comes your way.
  • You are consciously creating the things you would like to see. 
  •  You experience True, Unconditional Love in all of your affairs (both giving and receiving).
  • You feel AWAKE.
Connecting with your True Essence is AWAKENING

You understand that YOU are a Powerful Being of Love and Light.

This requires understanding that there was never anything broken or wrong about you in the first place. 

You heard me, nothing needs “fixing.” 

The belief that you need to self-improve actually holds you back from fully appreciating and enjoying this beautiful Life.

So… what needs to be done for you to step into your Greatness?

First: we must understand that there is NOTHING to improve, only more to REVEAL.

We can reveal more of our innate greatness and Loving potential by releasing the baggage – the fear, guilt, and shame – and then – by believing in your own greatness.

All of the Good in the Universe is yours to have, 
but you have to believe you are worthy to let it in. ..
Shifts in Consciousness Help You to Claim Your Power
#1 Shift in Awareness:

 Love is my Divine Right.
If L-O-V-E makes you squirm and feel a bit uneasy... read on.
Love is your Divine Right. It is yours to enjoy. 
Love can lead you, Love can breath you... if you let it.
Did you know that? Do you even know what Love is?

In this day and age, it is perhaps easier to understand what Love is NOT.
Love is not conditional. Love is not just a whimsical feeling, or something that is earned. Love is not something you develop for someone because of something kind or selfless they have done for you.

Love is deeper than all that. Love is a way of being. Love is a high-vibration energy you carry with you into everything you do, every interaction, and every relationship you have. 
When you are living a life of Love, you are channeling your True Essence.

The Becoming Love Meditation guides you to connect with the potential for Love inside of you - your True Essence. This 18-minute meditation will guide you to reconnect with the Powerful Being inside of you... The Essence that breaths you.
You will find your home there and be guided to channel this energy into your everyday interactions. During this meditation you will settle into a state where you are completely free and unburdened by judgment and negativity, 
connecting with who you really are...
#2 Shift in Awareness:

 I am NOT a victim of my circumstances.
You might feel annoyed by the things going on around you and how they seem to affect your quality of life... your happiness, your peace of mind, your relationships.

I get it too. We've all been there.  It's frustrating when nothing seems to be going your way and you feel hard-done by life itself.

The Truth is that you are NOT a victim, and you never were.
The Truth is that YOU are the one giving these outside events the power to control your well-being. 
Freedom lies in understanding that you are NOT a victim of your circumstances.
You are a Powerful, Creative Being.
A force to be reckoned with.

Everything you see in your experience, you have manifested through your thoughts.
If you want to change your Life, you need to change your thoughts.
You need to release the idea that you are a victim.

Victimhood is holding you back. The Becoming Love Meditation will put your body and mind in a relaxed state so that it will be easy and natural for you to release any resistance to change, victim consciousness and any other limiting beliefs. 

You will shift from feeling burdened with baggage to feeling powerful and free,
like the powerful Goddess that you really are.
#3 Shift in Awareness:

 I step fully into my role as a miracle-worker.
Did you know you have the capacity to work miracles?
What's a miracle?
A miracle is a shift in consciousness, perspective.
You, my dear, are a medium for miracles.
Every time we go through a familiar situation and experience it differently, we are witnessing a miracle. For example, that person who always seemed to trigger you whenever they spoke says the same things - yet they are no longer agitating.
... Miraculous!
Miracle-working is only possible from a place of gratitude and Love, 
when you are in the flow.
In order to work miracles, you need to step into and own your Power as a creative Being.
If you are living in victimhood and fear, you are not self-aware and less likely to notice the gifts and opportunities for expansion that come your way.

What happens when you step into your role as a miracle-worker?

Your perspective shifts from fear to Love. What this means is that you feel 
joyous and at peace, even in the most tumultuous of times. You hardly notice negativity, because your peace is internally generated. It is easy for you to see the perfection and grace in everything – even the events that others criticize. You see the Truth. You see the opportunities everywhere. 
In fact, you will notice that others gravitate to you because they are attracted to your pure, open energy. They are attracted to you Loving Essence. And you will know you are in great service to them just by being yourself. There is nothing “extra” you must do.
When you are living from your True Essence, you will know you are living in Love because of the way you feel and the way the world responds to you.
It is all a reflection of the Loving world you have inside of you, your own pure consciousness.
Your "playing small" is affecting all areas of your life.
Your career:
When we are not living in our essence we are not fully serving the world.

How could we be? We are not aware of our own gifts!

This means that your work seems like a drudgery. 
Everything seems like an effort.

Is this you?

The Becoming Love Meditation helps you realize and step into your full capacity to serve the world.

Your relationships:
You might be feeling more depressed, conflicted, angry, even defeated when it comes to Love.
Maybe you are questioning whether or not "true" Love actually exists, and whether it is possible for you. 

Your Love insecurities are keeping you small, Dear One. 
They are preventing you from giving and receiving the Love that you deserve.

The Becoming Love Meditation will help you to mend the relationship with yourself and awaken to the opportunities to Love that surround you. 
It will assist you in forgiving yourself and extending this compassion to others so that you may receive more Love...
Your health:
There is nothing more vital to your wellbeing than your physical and mental health.

Whether you're experiencing acute pain due to injury, chronic pain or disability, weight gain and obesity...
all of these "physical" conditions are associated with fear, control and ultimately, a lack of Love.

If you are facing a health challenge right now, I can tell you with 100% certainty that there is no remedy as powerful as awakening to your True Essence as unconditional Love.

The Becoming Love Meditation will guide you to step into who your really are; 
feeling free and unburdened by physical limitations and/or ill-health.
Your happiness:
Joy is freedom.
Freedom is Love. Think of a young child, how they smile and coo with absolute joy at the smallest of pleasures. 
Have you felt like this recently? 

When was the last time you felt totally free? To do as you wish, eat as you wish, spend as you wish?
When was the last time you felt totally free to just enjoy yourself in this moment?

Maybe it was a long time ago you felt totally happy and free to just BE. Maybe you can’t remember.
If my words are resonating with you now, it’s your time. 

The Becoming Love Meditation guides you back to the joy, the freedom that was yours when you were a child. It helps you tap into the playfulness and adventure of just living, being.
You deserve happiness, you deserve joy, you deserve freedom. You deserve to feel fully awake and alive.
This Could Be Your Awakening to a Better Life
The Becoming Love Meditation is an audio download. 

When you listen to it, you will be guided gently and easily into
a part of your consciousness where you are unlimited, uninhibited and free to discover who you REALLY are.

Listening to this meditation will empower you to: 
  •  Discover that LOVE is your Divine Right… you will no longer question whether Love is available for you- you will KNOW it is, and settle into this knowing.

  •   Step out of Victimhood… you will be guided to release all of the baggage and your victim story as you transition into claiming your true Power.

  •  Step into your great capacity for working Miracles… you will get into alignment with your True Self, your Essence and claim your ability to create wonderful events in your life and the lives of others.
Awakening to your True Essence by Becoming Love 
will allow you to claim and live out the life that you deserve,
the life that you long for that longs for you, too.
Who is Kenda?
Kenda is the founder of Awaken Inspire Empower Services Inc
After becoming sober from drugs and alcohol in December of 2014 and obtaining her Master's of Science in December 2015, Kenda decided to take the plunge into her passion for Spiritual service by helping others to bring more Love, joy and passion into their lives and awaken to their natural talents though her programs and coaching services. 
What People Are Saying About Kenda's Coaching Services
"I'm living in love. I'm using Kenda's powerful exercises to find my fearlessness. 
I'm so aware that I deserve love, and trusting myself and the universe to bring it.
I so appreciate this program, and set of practices for all aspects of my life. Kenda is not creating a dependent relationship with her, but showing me how utterly dependable I am, with my intuition and relationship with love and the universe.
Kenda, I love you. My life is amazing. Thanks for helping me show this to myself."
- Janice
"I was really scared to sign up for Kenda's program. 
I didn't know what to expect and was afraid of what I may have to do. Kenda was so great at guiding us through the process. This program was definitely a game changer for me."
 – Amanda
"Kenda's insights and support were really helpful for me. 
To have someone who supported us unconditionally and REALLY want us to expand and find our loving soulmates made the tough times a lot easier."
- Bee
“For the first time in a long time I feel hope in my love life. Opportunities have started to come my way that have filled me with excitement. I believe a lot of this has to do with Kenda's knowledge and supportive manner. " 
- Anonymous
The Unconditional Triple Guarantee
Try the Becoming Love Meditation
 Now Risk Free for 30 Days
Guarantee #1: QUALITY 
If for any reason you don’t absolutely LOVE the audio, simply drop me an email to tell me that you’re sending it back and you will receive a prompt and courteous refund.
If listening to the audio meditation, and following along with the guided instructions has not created a significant positive change in your life, write to me and I will personally give you free tips and inspiring ideas to help you experience quality results. 

If you’re still not satisfied, you will still get a full refund.
Guarantee #3: HAPPINESS 
You will start to feel lighter, more free, courageous, and Powerful as you step into your True Essence. 
As you settle into your True Essence, you may spontaneously smile more and laugh more. People will want to be around you. 
Your very presence is both inspiring and calming.
 That's not all, Dear One. You may suddenly feel compelled to take "chances" that scared you before...

If listening to the Becoming Love Meditation doesn’t create this type of rejuvenation in your daily life, contact me. I will offer you the opportunity for free personal guidance or a full refund. 
The choice is always yours.
Step into the Life that is yours to have right now..,.

What's around the corner for you, Dear One?
The Becoming Love Meditation will help you realize who you really are, and what you really want. Your confidence and courage will increase so that you finally feel enabled to take the opportunities for a richer, fuller life that come your way. 

You will feel more mentally-alert, productive, inspired... more beautiful, Loving, and generous. You will feel healthier, youthful and full of energy. 
You are invigorated by Love when you have stepped into your True Essence.

Meditation is a means of connecting with your Higher Self, your True Self. Treat this experience as a sacred one.
I encourage you to find a comfortable place to relax for this 18-minute meditation.

You may choose a meditation pillow, your bed, a room in your house where you feel at Peace. To set the atmosphere, you may light dim the lights, light a candle, or turn on the diffuser.

It is perfectly appropriate to listen to this meditation when you wake up in the morning (and are still lying in bed), or at night as you are falling asleep. 
There is no “right” or “wrong” time to connect with your Essence. 
You know when is best for you, so listen to your own internal guidance and put it on as you feel guided.

Download the Becoming Love Meditation immediately to your computer, iPod, smart phone, or MP3 player. You deserve to sleep easy. Starting tonight. Click the Add To Cart button below, and then you will receive immediate access to download the MP3 audio file.
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 The Becoming Love Meditation
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P.S. If you're skimming and just wanted to see what the offer was... for just $7, you're getting the 
Becoming Love Meditation - this is a 18-minute audio download that you can listen to and connect with your Powerful Loving Essence right now. 
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